Friday, June 25, 2010

Grease... is the WORD!

Went to the premiere of the Grease singalong at the Hollywood Bowl with the Tall Girls. FUN FUN FUN. We go to the Sound of Music singalong in September, which is also really fun, but... Grease. Is. My. Movie.
I didn't want to go crazy with costuming, but at least wanted to do something fun; and happily realizing I already owned a pink cardigan, decided to go with dressing up the top half of me, while wearing jeans and trainers (it is the Hollywood Bowl, after all, and I was not going to let painful feet ruin my night). So I thought I'd do my hair up in pin curls, grab some red lipstick and some bubble gum...

What have we learned:
Pin curls are not something to lightly think you can do at noon the day of.
Started out pretty well...
...and then my patience ran out and I reverted to the curling iron.Pretty good, eh? Though I suppose the makeup's a bit heavy, borderlining on drag-queen, so I'll lighten up a bit on that next year (in person it didn't quite look THAT heavy).


Saturday, June 19, 2010

304/365 - photo challenge

The theme was 'toys' - but alas, I have none. *sniff* Just so happens my parents cleaned out part of the attic and gave me a box of fairly worthless plastic bits and pieces of what was once some type of dollhouse, of which I have no recollection. Ah well; put this guy to some use before tossing.

Though I did think this one was cuter:
... part of the challenge was creating some sort of ambience, or story. "Horse zombie coming out of Ground" just didn't work right.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Time to say goodbye to the most awesomest girls I've ever taught.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I had a pre-cancerous birthmark removed from my shin here (Hoag Memorial Hospital, Newport Beach) when I was seven. My experience was so awesome, I actually cried when I had to go home (I knew I wouldn't be getting nearly the same amount of attention!).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Restoring an old lamp... figuring out where the shade goes on.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Spotted this well-cared for Chevy on the road today. Reminds me of my grandpa's '55 Chrysler Windsor, which was my first car. At 16, I did not think it was very 'cool', and sadly did not take care of it.
Of course I miss it now!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


...instead of paying $15 - take a quick pic with the cell phone!
After the Simpson's ride. My facial expression is pretty clear about how I felt about riding it right after eating. Not recommended. (Noah, Danielle's oldest son, and Danielle, are in the front with me)