"Peace be with you."
I never used to like that part, but now it's ok.
Oh the things we do when we feel a bit lost and helpless!
Beats drinking and overeating I suppose.
My mom asked me to go to church yesterday; and I obliged. I've realized it's time to stop fighting her so much and just check it out and see, maybe, just maybe, she might have a valid point.
This is the program for yesterday's church service at the church I used to go to; the one I grew up in. My parents still go, and it's always been more for the social and support aspect than religious, and hey, it's by the beach in Laguna, and it's a United Church/Congregational, so ... let's say, pretty casual and extremely open-minded.
And one of my good friends from high school now is a regular member.
They gave me a study bible.
I won't go into what I do or don't believe, but... I've not gone to church in ages, except for Christmas and right after my aunt died.
I think the Bible is a very interesting literary work.
I used to love Sunday school because of all the stories and art projects. I still am fascinated by the stories of the Bible.
The papers underneath all that at the bottom?
A practice LSAT test.
Just curious.
For now.
But methinks some BIG changes are coming. And I certainly hope they're good ones!